Governance and StructureWhat are the core organizational units in DASIL? What is their composition? Purpose? And in what manner will members be selected as leaders and participants of these units? The core organizational units are the Board of Directors (BOD), Assembly of National Affiliated Societies (ANAS), and the Council of Corporate Advisors (CCA). This represents an implied semi-hierarchical arrangement. The CCA is composed of representatives of DASIL’s corporate sponsors. The officers are two co-chairs. One is the DASIL President-Elect and the other a corporate representative nominated and elected by the corporate members of the CCA. The CCA addresses those issues that relate directly to DASIL and its activities. Anything that can be interpreted as being in possible violation of anti-trust or anti-competitive matters will NOT part of any agenda. The ANAS consists of persons representing national organizations that have chosen to be affiliated with DASIL. This affiliation is simply that, by such declaration by the senior governing entity of the society, it is in agreement with DASIL’s principles and values. The ANAS addresses strategic issues that are of concern to the national societies. The results of these deliberations and any recommended action will shared with the DASIL Board of Directors (BOD). The officers of ANAS consist of a Chair, Vice Chair Secretary. The officers are selected and elected by the ANAS representatives. The term of office is one year with the provision of an automatic progression through officer positions. Thus the cumulative service length for an individual officer is three years. The officers also occupy “slotted seats” on the BOD. Their term will align that of their terms as ANAS officers. The BOD consists of 12 members based on the following distribution:
What are “term limits” and “service limits”? Term limits refer to the limitation of the term of occupying a particular leadership position. The DASIL organizational terms are either one year or two years depending on the specific position. In the interests of stability and consistency, certain of the officer positions allow for an automatic progression through the positions. In these instances, the term of service is three years. Service limits refer to the number of consecutive terms a person can serve in a position. Under these provisions, no person may serve in office for a consecutive term. Further, once the person has completed his/her term in the senior leadership positions, that individual is precluded from serving in any officer position for three years. |
How are the leaders of DASIL accountable to the membership?
The DASIL leadership is expected to make a report to the membership of activities, accomplishments, failures, and plans for the coming year. Further, the DASIL strategic and annual operations plan are published to the membership.
Periodically, a formal survey of the membership’s needs and perception of the organization is developed and analyzed, with the results reported to the membership.
The financial status of the organization and that of its various meetings are also reported to the membership.
Is there a Nominating Committee?
Yes, there is a DASIL Nominating Committee. It is responsible for the development of a slate of nominees for anticipated vacant officer positions, and for the anticipated vacant positions for the at-large board member positions.
The Nominating Committee will consist of five members eligible to vote for the DASIL board and its officers. The Committee’s reporting relationship is to the DASIL membership. Nominees are proposed at the annual DASIL membership meeting. Subsequent to the establishment of the candidates list, the membership is asked to vote for the members of the Nominating Committee either at the meeting or by electronic ballot. Those receiving the five highest numbers of votes will be considered elected to the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee presents a slate of nominees for voting by the membership. Election is by the DASIL membership.
What type of organization is DASIL? Physician? Non-Physician? Combination? Other?
DASIL is first and foremost a physician/surgeon organization, open to those with a dermatology, aesthetic, or plastic surgery focus and interest. DASIL is an open and welcoming organization.
Who is allowed to hold office?
Physicians and surgeons that are either fellow or associate members are allowed to hold office. These provisions and requirements are part of the bylaws.
Why do we need a DASIL?
Those of us who have gained a “world view” orientation and perspective have realized that when it comes to information and knowledge sharing, the world as described by Tom Friedman is “truly flat”. Never before have we been able to connect and communicate in a truly global fashion as we can now!
Besides the advances in information technology, we in the medical and surgical fields have seen equally astounding advances as have never been seen. In the fields of medicine and surgery, DASIL is grounded in a world view that knows no political boundaries and is concerned only with the welfare and quality of life of our patients. Those who have had previous benefits of these advances in patient care have an obligation to share these advances with our brother and sister colleagues the world over.
We need to be open, transparent and democratic in our ways and most of all to listen to each other and to empathize and celebrate our diversity of cultures and the human condition. To paraphrase the words of Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame, we must assure that the needs of the many are not outweighed by the needs and whims of the few. This is what DASIL is.
We are a world view entity dedicated to education of our colleagues, regardless of location on this planet. We are dedicated to the advancement of our profession and providing a quality of life for our patients that promotes and advances our aspirations as human beings.